November 2003 BOTM

November.  The Turkey Month.  The strange time when you've got a holiday, then three weeks, and another holiday.  Most college kids use this time to bring home most of their summer crap in preparation for new winter crap.  Or just carry home a triple-bucket load of laundry both times.  Silly people.  It's also the month where stranger things happen than in October.  Sometimes.

  The Bitch this month has tried for many moons to make the esteemed list of Bitches.  Luckily, the Bitch hasn't actually MOONED anyone.  For this, we are all grateful.  Amen.

            Though exactly what barred metal doors have to do with thankfulness is quite rather beyond our capacity.  But we're still thankful for no moonings, run-by or otherwise.

 This Month's bitch is typically instantly recognizable by his most obvious feature.  Well, that and he's head-n-shoulders taller than most everyone.  Okay, so he's tall.  And did we mention really narrow too?  These two features combine to make him a most annoying person to fence against.  Luckily, he sticks to epee only.  Epees, though, tend NOT to stick to him.  Which is also a good thing, since getting stabbed should be on everyone's list of experiences to AVOID.

            Though I heard a rumor he recently picked up foil, which effectively removes him from "Purist Fencer of the Year" award.   Which we don't have, so I guess that's okay.  I hope he won't be TOO crushed by that revelation.

             So what happened?  Why did this month's Bitch make the list when he fell short in months prior?  Were there a lack of distinguished candidates?  Was there a lack of candidates at all?  Did he win by default?

             Well, no actually.  There were a few other distinguished candidates who pulled some stunts worthy of being named Bitch.  However, they were disqualified for a number of reasons which decorum (and our PG-13 rating) prohibit us from disclosing until the statute of limitations expires in 2007.

            WHY??  WHY??

             Because this Month's Bitch follows in the footsteps of a previous year's Bitch and has learned the art of INVISIBILITY!!  He was allegedly at "Theater" doing "Shop Work" or "Tech Rehearsals" or other such similar nonsense.  However, he managed to maintain a fair working knowledge of fencing events which could only have been gleaned from someone's brain (and the notion of telepathy is just SILLY) or from having been there himself!

            There was also the issue of arranging for the breaking of the armory's lock off with a volleyball pole, and something about the mutilation of an SGA exec board member's ears and little toes, but we're not going to talk about those right now.  Little toes are never good conversationalists, don't help your balance and always manage to be the toes that get stepped on and run into steps, corners, edges and other painful things.

            All that aside, the Bitch of the Month Committee is proud to announce that...




Is this month's Bitch!

 Congratulations, Paul.  You have ascended the curtain invisible and joined the Honored Ranks of the Bitches.  Thou shalt be duly ridiculed for thine foibles.  Or maybe thine epee-bules.  Could we run over your little toes with a Tomato-colored Amigo??    

This award is brought to you by the Bitch of the Month Committee, which as always consists of the person who was shanghaied and the dedicated staff of volunteers who think they're more numerous than they really are.  Oh, and the person who remembers all the stuff that actually happens, which happens to be the same person as the one who got shanghaied.  Maybe they think that if they placate the volunteers, the volunteers will go away quietly one night and never return.